- outline: This is controls for a border for the hexagonal tiles.
The modes are:
- No borders of hexgons.
- Border of the hexagons forming the grid
the plane is divded into. These jump at each iteration
stage. This corresponds to how the image is made.
- These are borders of the actual shown rotating hexagons.
- This shows both the hinged hexagon tile borders, and also the grid the
plane is divided into.
- links: This is a tiling of linked hexagons, so this determined whether these links are
shown or not.
- background:
- The hexagons are given bright colours, with colour determined by the stage at which the
hexagon is added. Colours, controlled by magenta dot.
- In this mode, the hexagons are coloured, but also the "print" of a hexagon is left
two steps after it was created. This ends up giving a Koch snowflake pattern.
- White background
- Same as (1), but paler colours, controlled by magenta dot.
- This is a uniform black background.
- White background
- curves: This is about the style and colour of the paths, but not
the actual directions of the paths, which corresponds to the orientation of the tiles
- Paths with grey edge. Thickness controlled by cyan dot, colour by yellow dot.
- Paths have black outline.
In this mode, no curves are shown, so the underlying tiling can be
seen more clearly.
- Straight edge paths
- Paths are all black, as a sort of indentation
- Slightly transparent paths with greyish background
- paths: The initial tile orientations, which determine different
initial path patterns.
- Initial pattern of circles. Each circle a constant colour, controlled by yellow dot.
- Initial diagonal wiggles. Colour controlled by yellow dot.
- Initial circles, all the same three colours, for the three segments. Colour controlled by yellow dot.
"random"; each segment different random colour
- Only one segment of path shown with colour, the rest all the same, black or white.
- Three segments shown, so how tiles fit together can be seen.
- Circle pattern with 6 colours, so tessellation of tiles can be
seen when iteration stage is increased.
- dots: This is just whether the control dots are shown or not.
- Variable iteration
- iteration level constant across screen
- iteration level depends on distance from centre, with
control parameter given by x coord of magenta dot
- iteration level depends on distance from top, with
control parameter given by x coord of magenta dot
- operation sequence:
Here you can enter which sequence of the two operations is applied. This can also be
controlled by the white dot.
- Presets: Some examples of patterns.
- Controls: can be hidden or not.
Unfortunately, the more features, the slower this yets, so it needs rewriting.
If you use images produced by this program, please link to this page.
Thanks you! Author: Helena Verrill.