My take on Mondrian's iconic work.
Note, you need to adjust speed of animations
to get them to work properly.
effect =
thickness =
N =
opacity =
opacity2 =
radius =
speed controls:
speed =
speed 2 =
dur (s) =
timer (1000th of s)=
M =
Note, there are two "times" in this animation; there is a duration it takes for any transformation
between paths (this is in SVG animate), and then there is the time interval between doing one
animation and the next; so far, I've not got these well coordinated/synchronized - problem partly
being that it seems to depend on the values of N and M, rather than computations being instantaneous;
this also probably means that the times should be set differently for different computers; this
probably means I should dispense with the svg animate, and just do everything via javascript; but not
got round to that. The sliders are supposed to relate to speed, which is inversely proportional to
the times and durations; it's kind of a pain to be changing things by changing their reciprocal, so
although I've put in slider bars for speed, I then added the spaces to choose the numbers "dur" and
"timer" directly; not bothered to make these two synchronized; they should be, but this is all
a work in progress!